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GameMT JellyMini E5 is a 5inch Misfit

GameMT JellyMini E5 is a 5inch Misfit


I have no idea why the GameMT JellyMini E5 is taunting me. Mostly I believe it has to do with me thinking there is no way the D-pad will be any good while they feature it in their advertising.

No GameMT doesn’t hook me up with review units and yes I’ve already ordered this. This obscure handheld is their chance to get me to continue ordering their handhelds while looking for one that is consumer ready when launched. It’s been a real struggle. I’ve got the E6 which luckily I didn’t revive an empty box like many customers but my E6 that had screen issues then died before I could review it, the E6 Plus that came with Android as an unregistered device, nothing installed for gaming and only app that was installed a calibration app that was just a launch tool to an exit button.

Part of what has caught my attention here is a chance for western audiences to get a taste of the wild and crazy world of Chinese handhelds that never leave their shores. There is no reason for this to have a 5” screen but it’s got one, I’m not at all sure what is going on with the DPad but it’s got something and the fact that this can be used in reverse to charge your other mobile devices is something GameMT advertises it can do. Our power has been out for nearly a week amongst our home getting a new roof and fiber being installed (neither of which should have caused power issues). Really could have used this to charge my Steam Deck if nothing else.

So I’m sure you are looking for some information on the GameMT JellyMini E5 and so am I. Here is what I know about the specs so far:

  • OS: Linux
  • Screen: 5” 16:9 720p display
  • CPU: Dual-core Rockchip RK3326?
  • Analog Stick: Single Hall Sensor
  • DPad: Circular?
  • Shoulder Buttons: Back in-line
  • Battery: 6000mAh rated capacity 3500mAh?
  • Charging: 17W Fast Charging (full charge 40mins USB-C, Bidirectional
  • Playmodes: Screen Casting, Desktop & Handheld
  • Gaming: 13 built-in emulators up to PS1

If you are like me this leaves you with more questions than answers. It is not unlike GameMT to have incorrect information on their marketing. In this case something like battery capacity is extremely confusing. Just so you understand I’ll place some images here.

As far as the processor goes I am assuming it is an RK3326 based completely on knowing there is a GameMT JellyMini E5 Plus coming out that will be dual boot Linux/Android using the RK3566 chipset. I have honestly not been able to find anything from GameMT published in public spaces that discusses more than the processor being dual-core.

There are a lot of interesting things here beyond the bidirectional charging that really could improve the handheld gaming space if GameMT is able to pull them off. First off the charging rating is the same as all other retro handhelds in the market today at 5A 2V. This makes me impressed if true they are able to charge a 6000mAh (or 3500mAh who knows) battery to full in just 40 minutes.

This comes with a kickstand. I’m not sure if they looked at the original Switch and were like “hold my beer I can make a flimsier kickstand” but that’s what appears to have happened here. I, not at all against a kickstand in fact I welcome it, I just thought Nintendo thought is this style kickstand was fragile.

What is the perfectly round ‘DPad’ all about? I think knowing it’s going to suck truly is what got me to order this. I needed some more time practicing with the stick anyways. Speaking of the “self-developed fiery joystick” I wonder if this is a new evolution of Hall Effect. I will have a review of a TMR joystick up soon the is an obvious change to traditional Hall Effect Sticks you will find from a company like GiiliKit.

I think I. Just going to stop scrolling through my questions and wait to attempt answering them for the handheld to arrive. If there are questions you have please let me know and I’ll try to fit them within the review.



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