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Discover the Untold Secrets of the Best Retro Handhelds in 2023

2023 was a monster of a year for Retro Handhelds and gaming in general. We take a look at some of the top handsets some of which are sleepers that made our list. What handhelds would you have put on the list? Do you think we should change some? Links to Reviews from this video: […]

Unboxing the $30 X9 Retro Emulation Handheld: Is it Worth It?

Do you already have the X9 or another Vita style Retro Emulator clone handset in your collection? Pickup the X9-S Retro Handheld on AliExpress: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DEyij9T

R36S vs R35S: Which Budget King Reigns Supreme in 2023?

It didn’t take long after crowning the R35S the budget handheld of 2023 for the R36S to come out and beat it in price and comfort. With the RG353V / RG353VS being the first in this vertical style this week we also got the XU10. Are you going to get any of these devices? Pickup […]
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