Diium Formerly SZDiiER NEW Lineup Announced

Diium Formerly SZDiiER NEW Lineup Announced

There was a rumor around a D008 clamshell patent not to long ago from SZDiiER that seems to have come out as a DMG under their New brand Diium. Along with the D008 we are also getting the D-28S and D50 Plus (though I’m not aware of their being a D50 previously).

Found some info online around the upcoming release and while I was pulling it together I found an article from RetroHandhelds that confirmed what I found. You can find that article here.

D-28S Render

We’ll start off with the D-28S which seems to be coming out with a 2.8” screen and a Rockchip RK3326 SOC. This will put it in the mini category with Miyoo, TrimUI and now Anbernic this year with the release of the RG28xx.

I would imagine build quality to be less than that of the Powkiddy V10 that released late 2024 but have the same SOC. Could be an interesting handheld and if I’m doing my conversions correctly will come in around $26. We have seen some deep cuts in the Anbernic RG28xx for mentioned as well as lots of sales around the Miyoo A30 and V4 handhelds which could make this space more competitive.

D008 Render 3.5” 640×480 screen

The D008 that isn’t the flip that they leaked earlier in the year seems to be a clone of the Miyoo Mini Plus. Likely the same internals as the D-28S but slightly bigger. The D008 is supposed to be releasing for $22 going up against the Anbernic RG35xx and Miyoo Mini Plus.

D50 Plus render

Most interesting to me is the D50 Plus which looks to be a clone of the Pimax Portal. The company is no longer making handhelds even though they send me multiple emails a day and had a good concept when they released. There was a base version with non-removable joycon style controllers that this handheld is definitely inspired by. It looks to have a 5.5” screen and if it does dual boot Android/Linux like the rumors are stating it probably has the RK3566 w/ 2GB RAM SOC installed. It’s a pretty weak setup but it’s been done a few times before. For a smaller manufacturer this is likely the most cost effective offering as they are using Rockchip in their other handhelds.

The conversion on the D50 Plus puts it around $60 which is about a third the price of the Pimax Base Portal. If they can pull this off maybe they will release the VR headsets that were supposed to come out along with the handhelds.

I hope the build quality and firmware under the new Diium brand are better than they were under SZDiier. It’s a big gamble to reinvent yourself even when it’s probably the right thing to do.

What are your thoughts on the New Diium lineup? Do you think this will be the case of more fake Rockchip SOC’s?

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